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Save On Your Electric Bill,
Consolidate Your Credit Card Debt
and Lower Your Mortgage Payment.

Savings from $200-$750 
per month are possible

With The Solar Mortgage you can now purchase your Solar System at the lowest possible interest rate and spread out your payments over 15 or 30 years creating the lowest monthly payment possible for a solar system. You can choose to pay zero down or a small advance on your system.


It doesn't matter if you are Purchasing a new home (an Energy Wise Home Loan) or Refinancing (an EFI-REFI) you're existing home with home improvements.

The benefit to you is savings starting day one!


You can choose to consolitate your credit card debt or look to a Energy Efficient home improvement (Solar System) loan.


Now you can save on your electric bill, cut your monthly credit card payments by as much as 80% on average, and in many cases eliminate or reduce your Mortgage Insurance.

For most folks this is a $200 to $750.00 per month reduction in their overall expenses!


You will also increase your wealth because when you purchase a solar system as much as 80% of the install price is what the increase will be in your home's value.


All of this is before the icing on the cake which is your 30% National Tax Benefit, Your State Tax Benefit, and where available The utility company’s rebates as well (In many states this is over $10,000). These benefits are not available to you when you lease equipment. If you are looking to sell your home in the future, you will not be burdened by the hope that your home buyer can qualify and take over your lease.

Since interest paid on a mortgage is tax deductible, a percentage of your electric bill becomes tax deductible too!


To find out if this method of financing is the right choice for you we offer a no cost, no obligation, review of your situation. 

There is nothing to lose and only savings to gain.

Swap your Mortgage Insurance?


If you owe the bank more than 79% of the value of your home, you are more than likely paying for Mortgage Insurance. This expense of $125 - $350/mo. that you pay every month does nothing for you but protects the bank if you default. That’s right you pay and the bank is the beneficiary of the policy

Now, there is a better way to put that money to work that benefits you and not the bank!

Is it better to rent or to own?


Think like an Investor: It is usually more appropriate and advantageous to treat a solar (PV) energy system as an investment. A solar energy system is an asset. If you lease, then you do not have this asset on your balance sheet (it has not increased your wealth). Rather, a lease is just another expense you pay to use someone else's asset.


Rebates & Tax Incentives


DSIRE is the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is currently operated by the N.C. Solar Center at N.C. State University, with support from the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc. DSIRE is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy


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