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If you owe the bank more than 79% of the value of your home you are more than likely paying for Mortgage Insurance. This expense of $125 - $350 that you pay every month does nothing for you but protects the bank if you default. That’s right you pay and the bank is the beneficiary of the policy L Think of it like this: If you want to pay $300.00 per month for a life insurance policy and I am the beneficiary, I don’t have a clue what’s in it for you but please buy two!


Now, there is a better way to put that money to work that benefits you and not the bank!


A Solar Energy System is an investment in your home which increases your property value usually 80-85% of the install price. Based upon the amount of your down payment and how much your home has appreciated, this increase in equity will usually take you below the 79% loan to value threshold and eliminate your mortgage insurance. Even if you cannot eliminate your Mortgage Insurance Premium in full you can still greatly reduce it.


In almost every case the monthly expense to finance your solar system is less than what you are presently paying for monthly mortgage insurance. Why not use these same dollars (which you are spending anyway) to install a New Solar System.


Let's look at an example of a $30,000 system: Present monthly Mortgage Insurance Premium $350.00 per month - New Solar Loan $125.00 per month a saving of $225.00 per month. Now not only do you save that $225.00 you will produce $200.00 of electricity or more depending on the size of your system - That's a $425.00 per month swap!


But that's not all, Solar Systems come with a National Tax Incentive of 30% of your install price thats $9000.00 in incentives that if you have the tax liability you no longer have to pay or if you don't you receive the cash back. Almost every State also has an additional incentive or rebate program of another $1000-$3000 and best of all since Mortgage insurance is tax deducatable part of your electric bill now becomes tax deductable too.



Build your wealth and equity and not the banks. Not only will you benefit from the mortgage insurance savings, the electricity produced by your system is now virtually free!


There is no cost to find out how much you can save and you are not under any obligation. Apply today and put yourself on the path of savings.



​Swap Your Monthly Mortgage Insurance Payment for a new Solar System. With an "EFI-REFI"

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